viernes, abril 11, 2008

La ouija de Lucky

Pongo una cancioncilla que la primera impresion es: 'aahhhh, que rabia!!!' ( y no hablo del tupe del cantante, hay que ver todo el video, no teneis nada mejor que hacer, asi que darme las gracias de amenizaros estos momentos tan pateticos de vuestras insulsas vidas) Aunque supongo que el 'ahhhh que rabia!!!' tambien podria ser valido como ultima acepcion....

The Bravery - An Honest Mistake
They don't mean a thing to you
They move right through you
Just like your breath
But sometimes
I still think of you
And I just wanted to
Just wanted you to know
My old friend...
I swear I never meant for this
I never meant...

Don't look at me that way
It was an honest mistake
Don't look at me that way
It was an honest mistake
An honest mistake

I forget I'm still awake
I fuck up and say these things out loud

My old friend...
I sweat I never meant for this
I never meant...

Don't look at me that way
It was an honest mistake
Don't look at me that way
It was an honest mistake
An honest mistake

Don't look at me that way
It was an honest mistake
Don't look at me that way
It was an honest mistake
An honest mistake

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